What hobbies did webcam models develop during the pandemic?

“Hello, girls! I can’t handle this pandemic anymore! I’m glad that I’m healthy, but I’m bored of staying at home and watching TV and Netflix all day. Now it’s still cold, you can’t stay outside for too long, you have to wear a mask everywhere. It seems like there’s nothing interesting you can do anymore. How do you get over this difficult period? What do you do at home for so long? Maybe you will help me discover a new hobby”, a webcam model by the name of Simo wrote on a private forum dedicated to this industry.

Soon, answers came pouring in. “Hello! I started to learn how to draw. I’ve always liked this idea, but before the pandemic, I never had time for anything. I was always out and about, with my BFFs at a restaurant, or with my boyfriend. But now, drawing helps me relax after I finish my job as a webcam model. I sketch something with the pen on the paper and I suddenly start feeling better”, Ava E. said, helping Simo with a first idea. She wasn’t the only one!

“I started exercising. As long as I’m forced to stay inside because of the pandemic, I might as well just keep myself in good shape, for my activity as a webcam model”, Jane said. On the other hand, Mallorie said that she started doing yoga. “Hi! I started yoga in my spare time, it helps me a lot from many points of view. For example, I’m the kind of person who stresses a lot, I’m very agitated. However, after a few yoga sessions, I discovered my inner calm and the fact that I can be Zen. It’s also good exercise, as Jane said”, Mallorie pointed out.

Simo took time to read and answer all the comments, paying equal attention to all of the other webcam models’ suggestions. “I’m very untalented when it comes to drawing, I didn’t try it since I was in school. Now, I only draw when I play board games such as Activity, but my friends make fun of me, so this is not an option. Exercise is always a good idea, but I love jogging, and, for me, running on the treadmill inside the house doesn’t compare to the feeling of freedom offered by a park or a path through the forest. However, yoga sounds interesting, I might give it a shot”, she said.

She also mentioned that she found a quite original and unusual passion, apart from her work as a webcam model. “I saw my boyfriend playing video games continuously, so one day I decided to join him. Even though he mostly plays e-sports, I found it quite entertaining, I started to learn, and now I even manage to beat him once in a while. This passion is very different from what I expected and from what I do on a daily basis, from a professional point of view. I think this is exactly why I enjoy it”, Simo concluded. This article was inspired by www.studio20.live, the biggest and most successful non-adult online modeling agency in the world.